Accessible Net

Welcome to the Accessible Net Directory!

Accessible Net aims to make designing accessible websites a little less daunting. We understand that the idea of keeping a perfectly accessible website can be overwhelming, but the truth is that there is no such thing as a 100% perfect and accessible website. Instead, our goal is to encourage people, regardless of their skill level, to learn and incorporate good accessibility practices.

While we have certain standards for sites to be listed on our directory, we hope that people won't be discouraged if they don't meet all the guidelines, but rather use it as motivation to learn more about accessibility and improve their sites. We believe that everyone should contribute to making the indie web truly free, as no website is too small or unimportant to participate.

Websites: Script: BellaBuffs forked by Kalechips



Accessible Net 50x50 Button


Accessible Net 88x31 Button


Accessible Net 100x50 Button

Buttons by Bede/Azure

Send me an email if you want to submit your own button!